Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day Reflections

I had my first foal and first human child 1 month and 1 day apart, and this is my first mother's day with both babies on the ground.

The gracious and lovely Pie had her first born son in less than three minutes, while I spent 25 hours in labor (all natural) on my own little one.

Reflections of the past year.

Foals are really fun.  Mozzie has just gotten everything so quickly.  He behaves better than many grown horses.  Not because he has been handled daily but because he has been handled consistently.

Human babies are really fun but are way more time consuming and much dirtier.  When she smiles the whole world stops.  She already has a huge interest in horses and animals, I think we may have a future vet on our hands.  But my god can this child make a mess.

The total takeaway-  Motherhood is hard but beyond rewarding on every level in every species.

1 year later I feel that Pie and I are true women because we are both now mothers.

Hugs and good tidings to every mother human and furkid alike.

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